Our Strengths
We believe our main strengths are the following:
A large-scale /exploratory potential for magnetic bodies. We are holders of research licenses issued by the DNPM. Until now, the studies performed and the areas submitted to aerial magnetometry point to the existence of 3.8 billion tons of exploratory potential of magnetic fields. So far, we have carried out geophysical studies, geological mapping and soundings that have corroborated the existence of 410.8 million tons of measured items, indicated and inferred resources.
Privileged location of our mineral resources. Our licenses are located close to each other, concentrated within a 150km radius and near the Rio Grande do Norte shore. The Jucurutu II block, the closest one to the shore, lies approximately 125km from the shore, a distance we believe in relation to our competitors to be one of the shortest to an outflow point in Brazil capable of receiving cape size ships . We believe that the distance covered by our products to our exportation platform will be significantly shorter than that of our competitors’ and this will allow us to export at comparatively lower costs.
Favorable conditions for implementation. Our activities are concentrated on the border of the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba, which is a scarcely populated area easily reached by paved roads, close to major towns, and with easy access to both power and water supplies. For decades, the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba have boasted excellent courses dedicated to the qualification of technical and professional staff and this will certainly facilitate the hiring of manpower specialized in the areas of mining and geology.
A strategic partner with a strong penetration in the Asian market. The Noble Group, a strategic partner indirectly holding our stock capital is (i) the Asian market’s largest trader of commodities, with over 100 commercial offices across the world, (ii) a leader in the management of supply chains, and (iii) the manager of a 440-ship fleet, providing us with a huge logistics network for transportation, and reliability in the shipping of our products. It is our belief that this partnership increases our trading capacity, notably in the exportation of iron ore to markets in America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
Qualified and Experienced Management. The members of our Management team are experienced in the mining industry and related activities.